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Business Directory for Nonprofit Founders.

How Do I LevelUP? Learn More Information

Increase Brand Exposure

One of the main advantages a nonprofit partnership can offer is increased visibility for your brand. Natural cross-promotion allows you to easily reach another organization’s network. Depending on the nature of the partnership, a partner can feature you on their website, social channels, or regular communications to their community.

Expand Your Services

If you’re looking to advance your mission and enhance your programmatic impact (without funding a whole new program), a strategic partnership can give you access to tools, resources, and services you need. You can supplement each other’s services to broaden your offerings. You can operate independently.  You would simply share information and coordinate your efforts.

Increase Your Revenue and Credibility

A strategic nonprofit partnership can also elevate your organization’s credibility and financial sustainability. By partnering with a well-known and trusted organization, you can increase your visibility and improve your monthly revenue by having them write you into their budget or funding campaigns. This can help you build trust and monetize your expertise.

A Profitable Partner will Compliment Your Program,

NOT Compete.

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